emPOWERUP Virtual: Historian 2024, Scoping Operations from Ground to Cloud – June 18
March 22, 2024
ProjectX: GrayMatter Teams with Major U.S. County to Lead 5-Year IT/OT Infrastructure Modernization
April 3, 2024
emPOWERUP Virtual: Historian 2024, Scoping Operations from Ground to Cloud – June 18
March 22, 2024
ProjectX: GrayMatter Teams with Major U.S. County to Lead 5-Year IT/OT Infrastructure Modernization
April 3, 2024

June 04 –

Pittsburgh, PA

GrayMatter Industrial Leadership Summit


GrayMatter's Industrial Leadership  Summit is June 4 in Pittsburgh.

Your Transform Summit Package includes: 

  • Free 2-day pass to Smart Manufacturing Experience Conference
  • Invite-only, expert-led leadership & technology workshop session (June 4)
  • Happy Hour & Dinner 
  • Access to discussion materials post-event 



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    12 PM EST | Panel: Reimagining Manufacturing Careers in the Digital Age

    David L. Lawrence Center - Room 318, Featuring GrayMatter Brilliant Operations  & Advanced Analytics General Manager, Tod Virden 

    12:30 PM EST | Lunch
    1:30 PM EST | Navigating Your Career Workshop

    Room 318, Featuring Paul Oldroyd, Former Bell Helicopter Textron Manufacturing & Engineering leader

    3 PM EST | GrayMatter: New Brand of Industrial Intelligence

    Jim Gillespie, GrayMatter CEO & Co-Founder 

    3:15 PM EST | Manufacturing Leadership Strategies in a culture of AI and Change Management

    Adam Paulisick, CMU Professor & Author 

    4 PM EST | Breaking Updates: Operational Technology Threat Landscape

    Jonathan Holmes, Supervisory Special Agent, FBI's Pittsburgh Division

    4:30 PM EST | Customer Panel: 3 Big Challenges
    4:35 PM EST | Assess, Accelerate, Operationalize: Aligning Digital Transformation with Security

    Scott Christensen, GrayMatter Cyber Practice Leader & Tod Virden, GrayMatter General Manager, Adv. Analytics & Brilliant Operations 

    5:15 PM EST | Are You Using Your Cyber Tech Buys to the Most Benefit?
    Kemell Kassim, GrayMatter Sr. VP of Cyber
    5:30 PM EST | A Case Study of Operational Efficiency: Adv. Industrial Analytics 

    Carson Drake, GrayMatter VP & Co-Founder

    6 PM EST | Happy Hour & Pirates Game 

    PNC Park

    Industrial Leadership Speakers


    Supervisory Special Agent, FBI's Pittsburgh Division

    Jonathan Holmes

    Jonathan Holmes has been with the FBI since 2008. He is currently assigned to the FBI’s Pittsburgh Division where he supervises Cyber criminal investigations and the computer analysis response team. Between 2009 and 2017, SSA Holmes investigated Cyber and fraud investigations in both the FBI’s Milwaukee and Los Angeles Divisions. While in Los Angeles he supervised an FBI squad assigned to the United States Secret Service’s Electronic Crimes Task Force investigating criminal computer intrusions. In 2015, SSA Holmes served as an acting assistant legal attache in Sofia, Bulgaria, assisting with Cyber investigations in Bulgaria, Albania and North Macedonia. Between 2019 and 2021, SSA Holmes was assigned to the FBI Cyber Division’s Major Cyber Crimes Unit, where he developed the FBI’s strategy to combat ransomware. SSA Holmes holds a bachelor’s degree in computer engineering.

    Adjunct Professor of Entrepreneurship, Carnegie Mellon University

    Adam Paulisick

    Adam is a serial entrepreneur and an Adjunct Professor of Entrepreneurship (sales, marketing, and digital product design) at the graduate level of Carnegie Mellon’s Tepper School of Business (top 20 program), a lead Executive Education Instructor at CMU’s School of Computer Science (#1/2 in the world), Adjunct in the Masters of Artificial Intelligence program, and Adjunct at CMU’s Human-Computer Interaction Institute (the first HCI grad program of record). Prior to Adam’s focus on teaching at CMU, Adam was the Chief Product Officer at the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) resulting from the acquisition of MAYA Design and was a Senior Vice President at the Nielsen Company post the acquisition of BuzzMetrics with global leadership roles based in the US and Europe. When not on campus Adam spends his time as the founder of maad labs (www.maadlabs.io), a do tank, not a think tank, that performs digital experiments, provides executive training, builds largely AI/ML/Data products, and consults with both venture-backed and large, multi-national companies bringing bold, audacious, and complex ideas, experiences, and technologies to market.

    General Manager, Adv. Analytics & Brilliant Operations, GrayMatter

    Tod Virden

    Tod Virden is the General Manager of Advanced Industrial Analytics & Brilliant Operations at GrayMatter. He leverages his skills as a leader who selected and deployed technology for GE Transportation (now Wabtec), to bring solutions for Digital Transformation roadblocks and shortcuts to success.

    Co-founder & Chief Growth Officer

    James Gillespie

    GrayMatter co-founder and Chief Growth Officer Jim Gillespie has been leading industrial digital transformations for more than 30 years.

    Jim focuses on curating technology and guiding the digital process, enabling assets and people to become smarter and more visible. GrayMatter co-innovates with companies in manufacturing, water/wastewater, power and oil and gas markets to deliver custom fit operational technology programs and solutions ranging from process control, MES, predictive analytics and other trends.

    Jim is on the board of the Carnegie Science Center and the Pittsburgh Technology Council. He is a graduate of Carnegie Mellon University (Engineering) and Duquesne University (MBA).

    Cybersecurity Practice Lead, GrayMatter

    Scott Christensen

    Scott Christensen is GrayMatter’s Cybersecurity Lead. He has more than 20 years of experience working in operational technology (OT) environments at top organizations such as Bell Helicopter, PPG, Penn State University and many others. In addition to GrayMatter, Scott has worked in OT cybersecurity for GE Digital, Wurldtech, Dexa Systems, CSI Software and others. 

    VP Cyber, GrayMatter

    Kemell Kassim

    parallax background


    Smart Manufacturing Experience
    David L. Lawrence Convention Center
    1000 Fort Duquesne Blvd
    Pittsburgh, PA 15222

    GrayMatter Transform Workshop
    David L. Lawrence Convention Center
    Room 318 
    1000 Fort Duquesne Blvd
    Pittsburgh, PA 15222

    Happy Hour & Dinner
    PNC Park
    115 Federal St
    Pittsburgh, PA 15212