GrayMatter Earns Dual CRN Honors for Fast Growth, Elite Expertise
September 4, 2024Thank you! Infra
October 2, 2024
GrayMatter Earns Dual CRN Honors for Fast Growth, Elite Expertise
September 4, 2024Thank you! Infra
October 2, 2024
Why Cybersecurity Should be Baked into Your Digital Transformation
The Advanced Manufacturing Now Podcast caught up with GrayMatter GM of Brilliant Operations and Industrial Analytics Tod Virden about why it's critical to make cybersecurity a foundational part of digital transformation.
"We encounter lots of folks that either want to start with a cyber strategy or start with a digital transformation strategy. And I like to say, they're really one. They need to be one. We need to think about them as the same thing," Virden told Podcast Host Amy Bryson.
"On the OT side, for cybersecurity, it's really about moving the data around in a safe and secure fashion and protecting the assets that make the money," Virden says, highlighting the differences between cybersecurity for IT and OT.
"If your email goes down, it kind of hurts, but if your PLC goes down from a cyber attack or because a nation-state is changing a set point and making bad product, that you didn't realize, that's a really, really bad thing," Virden explains.
Visit our Brilliant Operations Offering for more on how to combine cybersecurity and digital transformation.
"We like to build a strategy around resiliency and defense in depth to be able to protect your assets multiple different ways while still making the data available to make decisions on."
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