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Control Magazine: GrayMatter Strengthens Cybersecurity for Critical Infrastructure
Network Segmentation Helps Mitigate OT Cybersecurity Risks
Control Magazine asked GrayMatter Cybersecurity Practice Lead Scott Christensen how industrial organizations should prioritize investments to strengthen network security infrastructure.
It often pays to start with an asset inventory that maps existing operational technology assets and analyzes how they communicate, Christensen said.
From there, companies can begin to develop a clearer picture of how relatively economical investments can improve the security of an operational technology network.
A prime example is network segmentation, which allows network administrators to reduce security risks by better controlling the flow of network traffic at a granular level. This method can help isolate sensitive systems and legacy equipment.
“There are a couple of paths we can take to remediate cybersecurity issues,” explains Christensen. “The first is getting a network segmentation plan in place, which is easier lately because segmenting can now be done without rearchitecting an entire network by using a software-defined perimeter (SDP) that determines network access like a physical switch serving as a firewall.”
Find the full article from Control here.
“No one is running an industrial network security program that checks all the boxes. There is always room to improve, especially with the evolving threat landscape."
- Scott Christensen
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