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ProjectX: Zekelman Industries Prioritizes Employee Buy-In to Strengthen OT Cybersecurity Program
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Zekelman Industries Prioritizes Employee Buy-In to Strengthen OT Cyber Program

SEP 2022 - EPISODE 21

Jerry Baum, Zekelman Industries

Cybersecurity is a team sport.

GrayMatter customer Zekelman Industries builds a culture of security by earning buy-in from company leaders and plant-floor operators. It's important for everyone to understand not only why cybersecurity precautions are in place, but how they enable employees to perform their jobs better and protect the steel manufacturer's physical, revenue-generating assets.

GrayMatter emPOWERUP Podcast host Jeremy Boren talks with Jerry Baum, Zekelman's Director of IT, Infrastructure, about how the company is working with GrayMatter to create a strong, long-term OT cybersecurity strategy.